摘要:Continuous advancements in Information and Communication Technology and the emergence of the Big Data era have altered how traditional power systems function. Such developments have led to increased reliability and efficiency, in turn contributing to operational, economic, and environmental improvements and leading to the development of a new technique known as Demand Side Management or DSM. In essence, DSM is a management activity that encourages users to optimize their electricity consumption by controlling the operation of their electrical appliances to reduce utility bills and their use during peak times. While users may save money on electricity costs by rescheduling their power consumption, they may also experience inconvenience due to the inflexibility of getting power on demand. Hence, several challenges must be considered to achieve a successful DSM. In this work, we analyze the power scheduling techniques in Smart Houses as proposed in most cited papers. We then examine the advantages and drawbacks of such methods and compare their contributions based on operational, economic, and environmental aspects.