标题:Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Methods Implemented as ArcMap Models with Remote-Sensed and Ground-Based Inputs, Examined along with MODIS ET, for Peloponnese, Greece
期刊名称:ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
摘要:The present study develops ArcMap models to implement the following three methods: FAO-56 Penman–Monteith (FAO PM), Hargreaves–Samani (HS) and Hansen, with the former used as a reference. Moreover, three models implementing statistical indices (RMSD, MB, NMB) are also created. The purpose is threefold, as follows: to investigate the variability in the daily mean reference evapotranspiration (ETo) for the Decembers and Augusts during 2016–2019, over Peloponnese, Greece. Furthermore, to investigate the agreement between the methods’ ETo estimates, and examine the former along with MODIS ET (daily) averaged products. The study area is a complex Mediterranean area. Meteorological data from sixty-two stations under the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), and MODIS Terra LST products, have been employed. FAO PM is found sensitive to wind speed and depicts interactions among climate parameters (T, evaporative demand and water availability) in the frame of climate change. The years 2016–2019 are four of the warmest since the preindustrial era. Hargreaves–Samani’s estimations for the Decembers of 2016–2019 were almost identical to MODIS ET, despite their different physical meaning. However, for the Augusts there are considerable discrepancies between the methods’ and MODIS’s estimates, attributed to the higher evaporative demand in the summertime. The GIS models are accurate, reliable, time-saving, and adjustable to any study area.