摘要:<p>This study aims to analyze the Anthropometric and Biomotor Factors that Determine the Ability of Field Tennis Service on Achievement Development Students of FKOR UNS Surakarta. The method used in this study is a quantitative research approach using a confirmatory factor analysis design. Data were processed and analyzed using SPSS software version 22 and factor analysis using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's Test. The population in this study were the 25 students of FKOR UNS tennis achievement coaching students. The sampling technique in this study used a total sampling technique. Data collection techniques using tests and measurements. Anthropometric factors that determine the ability to serve in tennis are weight with a value of 0.695, height with a value of 0.661 and arm length with a value of 0.628. The biomotor factors that determine the ability to serve in tennis are arm muscle power with a value of 0.863 and eye-hand coordination with a value of 0.653. Based on the results of the second analysis, it was found that the five variables had communalities values > 0.5. So it can be concluded that the greater the value of the communalities of these factors will provide benefits to students in coaching tennis achievements in serving tennis.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Anthropometry, Biomotor, Service Ability, Tennis</p>