摘要:The purpose of this research was to look into the work-life interface of professionals in a de-manding and high-risk occupation in an organization in the security sector. Specifically, it focuses on the interaction between supervisor behaviors and culture with turnover intention and work-family conflict. The present study centers on data from a public security organization (3861) in a Latin American country. The validity of the measuring instruments was evaluated through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was then applied to evaluate the relationship between variables. Results found show a statistically significant negative impact of the supervisor behaviors in organizational (turnover intention) and individual outcomes (work-family conflict). At the same time, organizational culture negatively affects turnover intentions and work-family conflict. While confirming results coming from the private sector in other countries, the importance of supervisor behaviors and culture provides implications for work and family practices in this type of organization.