摘要:Anesthetic isoflurane has been reported to induce toxicity. However, the effects of isoflurane on fecundity remain largely unknown. We established a system in
C. elegans to investigate the effects of isoflurane on oogenesis. Synchronized L4 stage
C. elegans were treated with 7% isoflurane for 4 h. Dead cells, ROS, embryos, and unfertilized eggs laid by hermaphrodites were measured by fluorescence imaging and counting. The
C. elegans with losses of
ced-3, cep-1, abl-1, male
C. elegans, and oxidative stress inhibitor N-acetyl-cysteine were used in the interaction studies. We found that isoflurane decreased the numbers of embryos and unfertilized eggs and increased the levels of dead cells and ROS in
C. elegans. The isoflurane-induced impairment of oogenesis was associated with
ced-3, but not
cep-1. N-acetyl-cysteine attenuated the isoflurane-induced impairment of oogenesis in
C. elegans. Mating with male
C. elegans did not attenuate the isoflurane-induced changes in oogenesis. These findings suggest that isoflurane may impair oogenesis through
abl-1- and
ced-3-associated, but not
cep-1-associated, germ cell apoptosis and oxidative stress, pending further investigation. These studies will promote more research to determine the potential effects of anesthesia on fecundity.