摘要:Many innate immune receptors function collaboratively to detect and elicit immune responses to pathogens, but the physical mechanisms that govern the interaction and signaling crosstalk between the receptors are unclear. In this study, we report that the signaling crosstalk between Fc gamma receptor (FcγR) and Toll-like receptor (TLR)2/1 can be overall synergistic or inhibitory depending on the spatial proximity between the receptor pair on phagosome membranes. Using a geometric manipulation strategy, we physically altered the spatial distribution of FcγR and TLR2 on single phagosomes. We demonstrate that the signaling synergy between FcγR and TLR2/1 depends on the proximity of the receptors and decreases as spatial separation between them increases. However, the inhibitory effect from FcγRIIb on TLR2-dependent signaling is always present and independent of receptor proximity. The overall cell responses are an integration from these two mechanisms. This study presents quantitative evidence that the nanoscale proximity between FcγR and TLR2 functions as a key regulatory mechanism in their signaling crosstalk.