摘要:Reports of genetic association of polymorphisms with lung cancer in the Indian subcontinent are often conflicting. To summarise and replicate published evidence for association with lung cancer and its subgroups. We performed a meta-analysis of candidate associations on lung cancer, its histological subtypes and smoking status in the Indian subcontinent following PRISMA guidelines. Multiple testing corrections were done by the Benjamini–Hochberg method through assessment of significance at a false discovery rate of 10%. We genotyped and investigated rs1048943/
CYP1A1 in a case–control sample from eastern India, followed by its global meta-analysis using a similar protocol. Meta-analysis of 18 variants of 11 genes reported in 39 studies (7630 cases and 8169 controls) showed significant association of rs1048943/
CYP1A1 [2.07(1.49–2.87)