摘要:In contrast to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, there has been reported no specific pattern of cardiomyocyte array in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), partially because lack of alignment assessment in a three-dimensional (3D) manner. Here we have established a novel method to evaluate cardiomyocyte alignment in 3D using intravital heart imaging and demonstrated homogeneous alignment in DCM mice. Whilst cardiomyocytes of control mice changed their alignment by every layer in 3D and position twistedly even in a single layer, termed myocyte twist, cardiomyocytes of DCM mice aligned homogeneously both in two-dimensional (2D) and in 3D and lost myocyte twist. Manipulation of cultured cardiomyocyte toward homogeneously aligned increased their contractility, suggesting that homogeneous alignment in DCM mice is due to a sort of alignment remodelling as a way to compensate cardiac dysfunction. Our findings provide the first intravital evidence of cardiomyocyte alignment and will bring new insights into understanding the mechanism of heart failure.