期刊名称:Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
出版社:Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences
摘要:The sustainability of mangrove forests benefits the organisms in the surrounding area, because mangrove forests have three main functions, namely physical, biological and economic functions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the most important factors in coastal communities in maintaining the sustainability of mangrove forest ecosystems. Research on the preferences of coastal communities in preserving mangrove forests uses correlational research factor analysis. Lemah Kembar community uses mangrove forests either directly, where they hunt oysters and crabs, or indirectly as a wave retardant and sea water intrusion. Calculation of factor analysis resulted in four main factors formed in preserving mangrove forests including local agreements (eigenvalue = 3.339), regulation and government protection (eigenvalue = 1.904), mangrove forest location (eigenvalue = 1.205), and livelihood (eigenvalue = 1.122). Local agreements are the most important consideration in realizing the sustainability of mangrove forests, because people are more obedient to the rules determined and agreed upon together.