摘要:In order to screen safe and efficient herbicide varieties and combinations suitable for oat field use, field plot experiment method was used to spray stems and leaves from 3 to 5 leaf stages of oat. The results showed that the control effects of single-dose treatment of 45.9% difluoro-dioctyl SC 450 mL/hm2 and 20% tribenuron-chlorofluoropyroxyacetic acid WP 900 g/hm2 on weeds in oat fields were all above 80%, herbicides 10% tribenuron-methyl WP 150 g/hm2, 42% 2-methyl·fluroxypyr EC 1125 mL/hm2, 48% bentazone AS 3000 mL/hm2 and 72% 2,4-D butylate EC 150 mL/hm2 mixed use, and 10% pyrazone WP 300 g/hm2 + 56% 2-methyl 4-sodium chloride WP 1200 g/hm2 + 50 g/L difluorsulphonamide SC 90 mL/hm2 mixed use of broad-leaved weeds in oat field control effect were more than 80%, significantly higher than the conventional herbicide used in production, 48% bentazone AS 3000 mL/hm2 + 72% 2,4-D butylate EC 150 mL/hm2 and 2-methyl·fluroxypyr EC 1125 mL/hm2 + 72%. The test results enriched the available herbicide varieties for chemical weeding in oat fields and could be applied in oat fields.