摘要:In order to assess the seismic damage response of reinforced concrete deficient, weak beam-column connection frame structures, this study presents experimental shake table testing on representative 1/3rd reduced size and double story frame models. Two test models were considered for experimental testing, including a reference code design specimen and another frame with a similar characteristic, but was not provided with any shear reinforcement in the critical joint connection region and, was constructed with concrete having a compressive strength of 33 % less than the code specified value. The input scaled excitations were applied from 5 % to 130 % of the maximum input peak ground acceleration record, to deformed the test models from elastic to inelastic stage and then to fully plastic incipient collapse stage. The weak beam-column frame sustained plastic hinging at column bases and beam ends, with longitudinal reinforcement bar-slip and severe damageability of the joint panels upon subjected to multiple dynamic excitations. The deficient frame model was only able to resist 40 % of the maximum acceleration record as compared to the code design frame which was able to resist about 130 %.