摘要:Combining several away-from-home activities into one single trip, or trip chaining, may reduce the daily travel time of individuals and help curtain ever-increasing total vehicle miles and hours traveled. This research uses a Personal Transportation Survey data set in the Baton Rouge metropolitan area, Louisiana, to examine the impacts of land use and individual attributes on trip-chaining behavior. Land uses are grouped into agricultural, commercial, and office; and three residential types (high-, medium-, and low density). In addition, a localized job–housing balance ratio is computed to capture the degree of mixed land uses around each residential location. Individual attributes include a traveler's work status (i.e., worker vs. nonworker), gender and household child presence. Multilevel logistic regression is used to examine the combined effects of land use and individual attributes on trip-chaining propensity. Research results indicate that land use plays an important role in a traveler's decision on trip chaining, and the behavior varies between workers and nonworkers and between men and women.