期刊名称:International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
出版社:The Association for the Development of Science, Engineering and Education
摘要:The present article analyzes media socialization as one of the key factors for the formation of a digital society, involving the participation of individuals and communities. The objectives of the article are: to justify the impact of family educational institutions and community environments as contributing to the development of digital skills, attitudes and media literacy. The analysis is based on three rounds of European Social Survey (ESS) - national representative surveys carried out in 2006, 2009, 2012/2013, and 2012/2013 that analyzes the participation of the Bulgarian population in the social and political life of the country. In addition, the results of empirical studies conducted at the South-West University “N.Rilski”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria for the period 2003-2017 are presented. The main conclusion of the article is that media socialization, based on media ecology information is important, because people acquire a clearer perspective as to how to evaluate a situation and to the increased opportunities for personal realization and development.