摘要:Rapeseed samples collected from different processing stages were obtained from one commercial crushing plant for the present investigation. The samples included (A) whole seeds, (B) flaked seeds, (C) press cakes, (D) solvent extracted meal, (E) desolventized meal and (F) cooled, desolventized meal . Frozen and/or glycol met hacrylate-embedded sections of the samples were examined using the techniques of fluorescence microscopy. Mechanical crushing tended to disrupt cell walls. After cooking and expeller pressing, individual protein bodies fused to form large masses encompassing phytin containing globoids. Storage lipids also coalesced into larger droplets. Most of the oil was removed after solvent extraction and was absent inside cotyledon cells after desolventization. The final meal product contained primarily hull and cotyledon fragments. The cotyledon fragments consisted of an amorphous protein matrix embedded with phytingloboids and supported by a network of broken cell walls. The structural and microchemical organization of the hull were not much affected by the processing. Phenolic compounds, mucilage, cell wall poly saccharides, chlorophyll, storage proteins and lipids could be detected by various fluorescence microscopic techniques .