摘要:In order for the global society to emerge from the socio-economic COVID crisis, as well as to reduce its high level of eco-anxiety of various etymologies, it is necessary to restore public confidence in effective management of key segments of the national economy as an imperative of national security. In the Transparency International-19 Corruption Perceptions Index, Ukraine ranked 129th out of 180 countries (with an index of 30). The way out of the permanent state of eco-anxiety is possible only if the public information space is filled with well-founded messages about overcoming corruption risks, which are aimed at effective anti-corruption audit, which should be based on the results of basic research. The development of the region is not possible without ensuring the stable functioning of all its components: the population of the region, the state of entrepreneurship. In this case, each of the parts of the system is in correlation with each other. That is why the first direction of regional policy should be to support the introduction of eco-management in enterprises, as well as the formation of environmental behavior in the population of the region. Anti-corruption audit is an imperative for effective environmental management.