摘要:Air flow in ducts is one of the basic processes of ventilation and air conditioning. Knowledge of this phenomenon and the laws according to it is indispensable for drawing up the sizing calculations of the duct networks, for determining the energy needed to move the air as well as for determining the aerodynamic parameters related to the ventilation ducts. Industrial buildings include large spaces with various sources of releases of harmful substances. Type of these sources and their location depends on the technological process in each section or room.The main role of industrial ventilation systems is to provide a continuous source of fresh air supply from the outside, to keep the temperature and humidity at comfortable levels, to maintain an adequate supply of oxygen in the work area, to control concentrations of hazardous explosive and / or toxic gases in the air and at work, to remove unwanted odors from a particular area and to remove and dilute airborne contaminants. The paper presents the design of exhaust systems, the calculation of suction ventilation systems and the choice of ducts with higher aerodynamic parameters in the choice of fans, using nomograms.