摘要:It is known that the pathological course of pregnancy is associated with a disturbance in the interdependent “mother-fetus” complex and leads to specific clinical consequences at the molecular-cellular, tissue, organ, organismal and population levels of organization. In case of violation of placentation (placental barrier), a state of immune conflict occurs, characterized by an antigen-antibody reaction, carried out through the placenta (in relation to the fetus), or through colostrum after birth (in relation to the newborn offspring). Therefore, immunological relations at the population level should be considered both the consequences of the action of the maternal organism’s antigens on the fetus, and the effects of the allogeneic action of the fetus on the mother’s body. According to the results of the experiment, the placentas of 10 sows of Large White breed were used as the material, which showed signs of isoimmunization to the resulting offspring. For histological examination, immediately after delivery, pieces of placenta up to 0.5 cm thick were selected, which were fixed in a 10% aqueous solution of neutral formalin. The fixed material after wiring through alcohols of increasing concentration, xylene, xylene-paraffin, was poured into paraffin. The obtained preparations were stained with conventional methods-hematoxylin and eosin. d (fibrinoid masses).