摘要:The Simmental breed (n=182) and Siberian breed (n=131) cows were genotyped using the CSN3, BLG, LALBA, and LEP genes. In both populations, the frequency of homozygotes did not exceed 10 %, and the proportion of heterozygotes was at the level of 40-45%. The actual genotype distribution corresponded to the theoretically expected Hardy-Weinberg distribution. In terms of milk yield, cows of the «Sibiryachka» breed with the BLGAAgenotype significantly outperformed cows with the BLGBBgenotype (pAAgenotype had a higher milk yield than BLGAB(pBBgenotype were superior to cows with LALBAAAin fat content (pABgenotype (pCCgenotype outperformed cows with the LEPTTgenotype in fat content (pAAand LEPCTgenotypes had an earlier age of insemination in comparison with cows with the LALBABBand LEPCCgenotypes (pCTgenotype had a longer calving interval than cows with the LEPCCgenotype (p