摘要:The article discusses the development prospects of media technologies in the communication space in the context of the evolution of the education system, public health and museology in Russia and abroad. Basing on an interdisciplinary approach, historical-genetic and comparative research methods, the features of the use of modern media technologies and museology in the transition to a system of distance education and telemedicine are analyzed. While the XVI century had become a period of transition from manuscripts to printed editions, XIX century became the era of the industrial revolution, the beginning of the XXI century will go down as the "electronic-distance revolution", implemented by the graduates of the universities of the USSR, China, Denmark and the USA. It is concluded that in the context of the pandemic, a radical transformation of the education system, museology and health care has taken place. With the transition to distance education and telemedicine, the importance and demand for those universities, hospitals and museums has increased, which in a timely manner switched to the active use of modern media technologies. The importance of medical museology as a new branch of humanitarian knowledge, which determines the prospects for the progressive development of healthcare in the modern communication space, increases as well.