摘要:Negative impact of Digital environment on the Youth is being increasingly mediated via novel communication technologies due to the uncontrolled channels of communication (digital freedoms). The analysis of this phenomena was conducted on the media texts (2016-2021) with a destructive component (murder, suicide, violence, revenge) with the aim of realization objective verbal behavioral model of generation Z as a new identity “online brain” in the format of transforming the axiosphere of adolescent discourse. We used objective pragmalinguistic analysis based on the specific perlocutionary intention of the sender of the text/information, accepted in pragma linguistic the last few years, as well aslexico-semantic method, contextual methods of analyzing words and constructions at the semantic level, the syntactic and descriptive analysis of the text according PMG (predicative-modal group). It was proved that axiological shifts in virtual reality caused the creation of new “online brain” formation with its own axiologem reflected in Real image of a digital adolescent.