摘要:There is a large amount of backfilled earth on both sides of the wall and the top of the lower wall of the Daning Reservoir’s cutoff wall, which is greatly disturbed by the project, and the safety of the cutoff wall needs to be evaluated. Based on the deformation law and stress condition of rigid cutoff wall during construction, according to the connection characteristics of rigid cutoff wall and plastic cutoff wall structure, the stress analysis of rigid cutoff wall is carried out by using field measurement data, so as to deduce the deformation law of plastic cutoff wall underneath, and evaluate the safety of plastic cutoff wall. The results show that the plastic cutoff wall is mainly affected by compressive stress, and the maximum compressive stress is far less than the allowable compressive stress, which indicates that the plastic cutoff wall is safe and stable during the whole construction period, although it is affected by construction and rigid cutoff wall.