摘要:The digital transformation of economic and social sectors is conditioned by the need for a critical reflection of the cultural processes taking place in modern society under the influence of transition to sustainable development. The latter is accompanied with decreasing of waste and pollution, expanding of lean production, settling the new nonmaterial industries. Therefore, it is critically important to form special cultural conditions for industry digitalization – not for increasing use of natural resources, but for decreasing harmful influence on environment. The purpose of this article is an analytical review of the theory and methodology of the analysis of digital culture in the historical and sociocultural perspective. The analysis of modern theories of digital culture and approaches to the analysis of its formation, historical and cultural reconstruction of the formation of digital culture, the definition of the conceptual apparatus of digital culture research and information processes is carried out from a methodological position, according to which cultural research is based on the principles of historicism and functionality, priority of sustainable development values.