摘要:There are presented results of developing a conceptual trigger chart of the functioning mechanism of the decision support system. The suggested model of visualizing algorithms as a trigger net of states of the computer decision support system provides for interaction of power objects of mining and metallurgical complexes and regions. The authors introduce new interpretation of components of the network trigger model. The model is interactively connected with both the user-operator’s actions and states of power system components. With that, the state of the automatic model is associated with realizing a set of metarules to control the logic output. The authors elaborate a new formalism of representing algorithms of controlling knowledgebases interacting with the outer environment which aggregates primitives of conditions, triggers and transactions of operations and greatly generalizes standard languages of algorithm visualization. It enhances elaboration of standardized smart systems interacting with the external environment. This allows description of functioning algorithms of knowledgebases and the event-driven output to ensure development of reliable standardized smart systems interacting with control objects of power systems in mining and metallurgical regions.