摘要:The aim of research was to observe and to describe biodestructions of fabrics that usually used inside a home, to estimate the destruction (total number of destruction “N” and destruction index “K”). The samples of fabrics were placed into a thermostat in sterile Petri dishes on moistened sterile filter paper in order to stimulate the microflora occurred on fibers. Incubation carried out in a thermostat at a +24-28 °C, humidity of 90-100% and exposed for 8 month. The samples examined with a microscope. As a result of the study of fiber’s damage, the types of damage were identified as follow: layering, fretting, mottling, fouling, spotting, swelling, granular disintegration, delamination, thinning, and damage of the fiber wall. Initially the most destructed was detected sample of natural silk and hemp according to the highest value of destruction index K. However, after 8 months of exposure, this sample turned out to be the most resistant to biodegradation. The data obtained based on the evaluation of the biostability of fabrics made from various textile fibers showed that the usage of natural silk, hemp and polyester able to supply textile with resistance to biodegradation by spontaneous microflora.