摘要:In the present research, the authors have studied direct and indirect cross-cultural contact as well as motivated behavior and language attitude in a study-abroad context on the territory of the Russian Federation. For the research purposes, the mixed method combining quantitative and qualitative research methodologies was applied in order to demonstrate contact, behavioral and motivational variables throughout one academic year of the foundation programme. The authors attempted to identify the main factors affecting the language learning motivation of international students studying in Russian international programs, to define the type and frequency of the contact with the maximum impact on students’ perception of the language acquisition. The results of encounter experiences were registered at three discrete points throughout the academic year. The detailed analysis showed that written and media use contacts had become more frequent throughout the year while the direct spoken contacts had exhibited the opposite tendency. The authors attempted to give some recommendations that would encourage contact opportunities and reduce inter-group anxiety among foreign students. The implemented analysis of the research results has demonstrated that self-confidence of international students had suffered immensely as the result of the negative encounter experiences. This type of experiences could be fully eliminated or reduced to a minimum if the hosts were aware of the expectation, attitudes, feelings, and possible forms of the international students’ behavior. The study proved out the necessity of potential students to prepare for the study abroad programs before their arrival to the host country. They are supposed to develop communication skills and strategies as well as their linguistic ability. A necessary precondition for students upon their arrival is the provision of institutional support, which allows them to get used to new cultural and social environment and to bond with native speakers.