摘要:In modern Russia, as a result of the moral degradation of society, the problem of moral choice of the individual became acute. In the implementation of life plans, the individual has a divergence of moral attitudes that exist in the sphere of unconsciousness, consciousness, and their manifestation in behavior. The period of early adulthood, 17-25 years, is characterized by the self-organization dynamics of internal factors that determine the main results of the period under the specific influence of the social environment, all these influences the choice of profession, the creation of a family, the development of the emotional sphere. In this regard, there is a need to study the peculiarities and dynamics of moral choice in the period of early adulthood in modern Russia. The methods of the research are theoretical analysis and generalization, questionnaires, participant observation, survey, methods of qualitative data analysis, and statistical data manipulation. The researches were carried out in 2007, 2010, and 2019 in Penza. The sample number was 244 people, 110 people, 101 male and female people aged 17-22. The research works have shown that the increase in the crisis in society, from 2007 to 2019, negatively influenced the manifestation of high principles, moral qualities, the respect of moral traditions, the process of the achievement of the goal, and the confidence in the implementation of life plans. However, it was the crisis that made it possible to choose in favor of psycho-protective traditional foundations, specifically moral ideals, and values.