摘要:Poultry farming activities can have a negative impact on the environment, namely: acidification (with NH3mainly, H2S, NOxetc.); pollution of surface water and groundwater (with NO3-and NH4+); eutrophication (N, P); air pollution with NH3, N2O, NO, dust (PM10and PM2.5), bioaerosols; increasing the greenhouse effect (CO2, CH4, N2O etc); drying (use of groundwater); smells, noise; pollution with heavy metals, pesticides and toxic substances; the spread of pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics; pollution of waters with residues of pharmaceutical products. As a result, in order to prevent or reduce the negative impact on the environment, in the production process it is necessary to use BREF/BAT techniques (Best Available Techniques). The activity of poultry farming must be done according to the best available techniques: the farming system, production halls and related facilities are designed and built according to the latest standards in the field; implicitly the consumption of raw materials, waste emissions, wastewater, air pollutants values being according to the legislation [1].