标题:Decolourization of chicken compost derived liquid fertilizer via synergic ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and ozonation for enhanced microalgae cultivation
摘要:Compost-derived liquid fertilizers are uncostly and nutrient-enriched; however, its dark brown appearance limits light uptake of microalgae during autotrophic cultivation. Here, integrated UV irradiation/ozonation pretreatment was employed to decolourize the compost solution prior to microalgae cultivation. Aforesaid pretreatment could accomplish 16.52 % (8 h) or 40.88 % (24 h) decolorization efficiency by using optimal parameters (initial pH of 12, ozone concentration of 30 mg/L, and ozone flow rate of 3 L/min. Compared to untreated compost solution, microalgaeChlorella vulgarisgrew better in the medium supplemented with decolourized compost solution (after 24 h UV irradiation/ozonation). For the autotrophic cultivation ofC. vulgariswith 10 vol.% compost solution, UV irradiation/ozonation pretreatment eventually increases the microalgae dry weight, specific growth rate, and biomass productivity from 0.58 g/L, 0.14 d-1, and 0.040 g/(L·d) to 0.88 g/L, 0.19 d-1, and 0.065 g/(L·d), respectively. Furthermore, the lipid content of microalgae has been increased by 33.33% with pretreatment of compost solution.