摘要:Researchers have studied a variety of effective teaching strategies to be employed in English as a Second Language reading classroom. The studies done on the Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning (GRPQ) strategy have been proven to provide a wide range of benefits to the pupils’ performance in the ESL classrooms especially towards their reading comprehension skills. Nevertheless, most of the studies focused more on the usage of GRPQ strategy towards secondary and tertiary students. The purpose of this paper is to provide the information on the benefits of GRPQ strategy and the perception of the primary level pupils in ESL reading classroom. The participants of this study are from a primary school in a sub-urban area. There will be 34 intermediate Year 5 pupils involved in this study. The researchers will conduct a mixed methods research to investigate the pupils’ perception on the use of GRPQ strategy in ESL reading classroom. Questionnaire, semi-structured interview and observation note will be used as data collection tools. The findings of this study are hoped to provide some insights on the benefits and perception of GRPQ strategy towards primary school pupils in promoting their reading comprehension.