摘要:The 2019 presidential and vice presidential elections in Indonesia had complicated issues, including broken ballots, multiple voter lists, not registered as permanent voters, political money, transparency, administrative violations, electoral penalties, and high white numbers. These problems indicate that the values contained in the concept of good governance are not implemented in the election process. To analyze the issues, this paper uses normative method. The method is by analyzing the Laws. Especially when related to aspects of law enforcement in the principles of administrative law in good governance. This method will be formulated for implementing good governance in the election process. The results of the analysis have who that the electoral justice is very important to be achieved in the presidential election in Indonesia. the presidential system is in order to strengthen the presidential election. However, the presidential election as one of the recruitment in the Presidential in Indonesia system in election is against justice because do not use a good governance in election process. It is not supporting the electoral justice. Results of previous elections in Indonesia, it was found that the values of good governance have not been well implemented in all stages of the election, both in the pre-election stage, the election process until post-election. Especially when related to aspects of law principle in election. this research will be formulated with good governance system for implemented in election process. The paper will be socialized and implemented in the holding of presidential system election in Indonesia.