摘要:Correction to:
Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-018-22183-2 published online 01 March 2018
The original version of this Article contained errors. Panels upf1 and dom34 in Figure
1 looked to have originated from the same sample. The Authors now reviewed the original data and for clarity all representative images in Figure
1 have been replaced. Additionally, the Authors recalculated the results shown in Figure
1B using the original data and the graph has also been updated. The original Figure
1 is shown below, for reference:
Figure 1
Strains lacking components of mRNA surveillance pathways have higher levels of protein aggregation. (
A) Hsp104-RFP was visualized in wild-type and mutant strains disrupted for NGD (
dom34, hbs1), NMD (
upf1, upf2), NSD (
ski7) and the Ski complex (
ski8). Examples of cells containing visible puncta are shown. (
B) The percentage of cells containing visible Hsp104-RFP puncta is quantified for each strain. Data shown are the means of three independent biological repeat experiments ± SD. Significance is shown compared with the wild-type strain; ***
p < 0.001. (
C) Western blot analysis of Hsp104 protein levels. Blots were probed with a Pgk1 antibody as a loading control. The full blots are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1.
The original version of the Article has been corrected.