摘要:Everything flows – or ‘panta rhei’ in ancient Greek – is a saying credited to Heraclitus sym-bolising the fact that everything around us is in a constant state of flux. Indeed ‘since the earthis 75% covered with water and 100% covered with air, the scope of fluid mechanics is vast andtouches nearly every human endeavour’ as written by Frank M. White in a classical textbook(White 2017). Fluid mechanics is the science of anything that flows and it underpins weathersystems, ocean circulation, vehicle aerodynamics, vascular or pulmonary mechanics, rocketdynamics, air conditioning systems, riverbank erosion, and many more natural or appliedscience applications. For this reason, fluid mechanics is a fundamental component of thecurriculum for many university programmes such as physics, civil/mechanical/chemicalengineering, and applied/pure mathematics. Fluid mechanics is the subject matterglue which binds a very diverse academic community involving mathematicians, engineers,physicists, rheologists, and chemists alike.