摘要:AbstractWe study a property of dynamic optimization (DO) problems (as those encountered in model predictive control and moving horizon estimation) that is known as exponential decay of sensitivity (EDS). This property indicates that the sensitivity of the solution at stageiagainst a data perturbation at stagejdecays exponentially with|i-j|.Building upon our previous results, we show that EDS holds under uniform boundedness of the Lagrangian Hessian, a uniform second order sufficiency condition (uSOSC), and a uniform linear independence constraint qualification (uLICQ). Furthermore, we prove that uSOSC and uLICQ can be obtained under uniform controllability and observability. Hence, we have that uniform controllability and observability imply EDS. These results provide insights into how perturbations propagate along the horizon and enable the development of approximation and solution schemes. We illustrate the developments with numerical examples.