出版社:Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar/Sorocaba
摘要:During the period of socio-economic and political transformations, the development of higher historical pedagogical education acquires special significance, since it always reflects the policy and ideology of the state, the goals and objectives of society, due to the peculiarities of its development, the need for training highly qualified specialists. It reflects the level of development of science, economy, culture, mental characteristics nations, its traditions and the like. Such a change is objectively conditioned, because the philosophical foundations of educational policy, the organization of training and education are transformed (at best) resonantly to the fluctuations of the ideal substance of the Universe (world outlook), and therefore cannot be determined once and for all. Therefore, in the search for an answer to the key questions of an educational nature, it is necessary, first of all, to analyze the educational paradigms, which (as the retrospective analysis shows) replace each other.