摘要:Introduction: Tuberculosis is associated with HIV/AIDS and it has been recognized as one of the most frequent opportunistic infections in persons with HIV. Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death in people with HIV having an adverse effect on HIV progression. Objectives: The objective is to determine the retroviral disease status of patients on the DOTS strategy. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of patients was seen at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital from January 2013 to April 2015. Relevant information was collected from patients’ folders. Statistical analysis was done with the SPSS and results were represented in tables. Results: 171 patients (77%) were HIV negative while 51 (23%) were positive giving an HIV negative/HIV positive ratio of 3.35:1. 97 patients (43.7%) had 6 months duration of treatment. The least was 2 patients (0.9%) that complied with their medication for 7 months. The 61 - 70 years age group accounted for the least number of HIV-positive patients. Conclusion/Recommendations: There is strong tuberculosis/HIV co-infectivity among the studied population. Strategies to reduce the burden of TB/HIV co-infection should be strengthened.