摘要:The cuff leak test (CLT) has been widely accepted as a simple and noninvasive method for predicting post-extubation stridor (PES). However, its accuracy and clinical impact remain uncertain. We aimed to evaluate the reliability of CLT and to assess the impact of pre-extubation variables on the incidence of PES. A prospective observational study was performed on adult critically ill patients who required mechanical ventilation for more than 24 h. Patients were extubated after the successful spontaneous breathing trial, and CLT was conducted before extubation. Of the 191 patients studied, 26 (13.6%) were deemed positive through CLT. PES developed in 19 patients (9.9%) and resulted in a higher reintubation rate (8.1% vs. 52.6%, p < 0.001) and longer intensive care unit stay (8 [4.5–14