摘要:Treatment failure or relapse due to tumor escape caused by reduction in target antigen expression has become a challenge in the field of CART therapy. Target antigen density is closely related to the effectiveness of CART therapy, and reduced or lost target antigen expression limits the efficacy of CART therapy and hinders the durability of CAR T cells. Epigenetic drugs can regulate histones for molecular modifications to regulate the transcriptional, translational and post-translational modification processes of target agents, and we demonstrated for the first time the role in regulating CD22 expression and its effect on the efficacy of CD22 CART. In this paper, we found that Chidamide promoted the expression of CD22 on the surface of B-cell tumor cells in vitro and in vivo, and enhanced the function of CD22 CART. As for mechanisms, we demonstrated that Chidamide did not affect CD22 mRNA transcription, but significantly increased the expression of total CD22 protein, indicating that Chidamide may upregulate cell surface CD22 expression by affecting the distribution of CD22 protein. In summary, our results suggest that Chidamide may enhance the efficacy of CD22 CART by inhibiting histone deacetylases to regulate post-transcriptional modifications that affect protein distribution to increase the expression of CD22 on the cell surface.