摘要:Correction to:
Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-021-93944-9, published online 13 July 2021
The original version of this Article contained errors.
In the legend of Figure 2,
“A larger distribution amplitude (i.e., an increased variance) in a regular “saw-tooth” pattern (indicating a lower approximate entropy) characterizes mice with lower rotarod scores in B compared to mice in A. (
C) Scatter plots for intra-session features with their best fit line.”
now reads:
“A regular “saw-tooth” pattern (indicating a lower approximate entropy) characterizes mice with lower rotarod scores in B compared to mice in A. (
D) Scatter plots for intra-session features with their best fit line.”
In the legend of Figure 3,
B) Representative horizontal paw position changes over time for mice with greater (
A) and smaller (
B) rotarod scores. A broader distribution of amplitudes (indicating greater variance) is characteristic of mice with greater rotarod scores in A as compared to mice in (
B). (
C) Scatter plots for intra-session features with their best fit line.”
now reads:
B) Representative horizontal paw position changes over time for mice with greater (
A) and smaller (
B) rotarod scores. (
D) Scatter plots for intra-session features with their best fit line.”
The original Article has been corrected.