摘要:AbstractMost surgical interventions involve sedating the patient with a cocktail of substances having anesthetic effects. The procedure is usually performed by a medical doctor that continuously monitors and readjusts drug dosage with respect to the patient’s response. Current advances in automatic control and biomedical engineering offer the possibility to reassign the anesthetist’s task to real-time, highly-performant monitoring and control algorithms, with the purpose of providing a risk-free anesthetic experience. The present study combines the well-known benefits of fractional calculus in biomedical applications with the intricate tasks revolving around automatic anesthesia. The proposed fractional order control algorithms are developed based on an open-source patient simulator that combines hemodynamics and anesthesia in a single customizable framework. Testing and validation of the proposed strategy is successfully performed on a group of 24 different patients in the presence of surgical stimulus. The ultimate result is that the hemodynamic characteristics are kept within accepted ranges, while a certain level of anesthesia is achieved.
关键词:Keywordsfractional calculushemodynamics controlanesthesia controlsurgical stimulusautomatic control