摘要:The authors aim to investigate the number of trees necessary to capture the CO<sub>2</sub> emissions from house–campus travelling, to and from the Maiêutica Academic Campus in the north of Portugal. A sample of the academic community was given an online survey in order to assess mobility practices. Based on the data collected, CO<sub>2</sub> emissions, as well as the number of trees necessary to mitigate these emissions, were calculated. The authors estimate that the total emissions resulting from house–campus commutes amount to 2937 tCO<sub>2</sub> year<sup>−1</sup>. To mitigate this amount of carbon dioxide, 138 ha would be necessary to plant 96,539 trees, according to the species’ respective CO<sub>2</sub> removal rates. The estimated tree area necessary to neutralize the community’s mobility related CO<sub>2</sub> emissions is so high that other alternatives must be considered: a preferred use of public transportation, carpool system, online theoretical classes, rescheduling timetables, green roofs installation, and photovoltaic panels.