摘要:Count data with excessive zeros are ubiquitous in healthcare, medical, and scientific studies. There are numerous articles that show how to fit Poisson and other models which account for the excessive zeros. However, in many situations, besides zero, the frequency of another count <i>k</i> tends to be higher in the data. The zero- and <i>k</i>-inflated Poisson distribution model (ZkIP) is appropriate in such situations The ZkIP distribution essentially is a mixture distribution of Poisson and degenerate distributions at points zero and <i>k</i>. In this article, we study the fundamental properties of this mixture distribution. Using stochastic representation, we provide details for obtaining parameter estimates of the ZkIP regression model using the Expectation–Maximization (EM) algorithm for a given data. We derive the standard errors of the EM estimates by computing the complete, missing, and observed data information matrices. We present the analysis of two real-life data using the methods outlined in the paper.