摘要:It is well established that 1 in 50 individuals receives a diagnosis of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Within body image disorders, there is genital retraction syndrome also known as Koro. A unique syndrome in which there is a heightened belief that one’s genitals will diminish in size, retract into the abdomen and ultimately lead to death. However, we have recently discovered a separate form of BDD that is directly opposite of Koro, in which the patient presents a strong belief that his penis will enlarge and extend out of their body. We present a unique case report of a counter-Koro syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by the delusion that one’s penis is growing larger and that it will result in its extreme protrusion from the abdomen and a consequent fear of recurring and visible erections. Given its mirror-like presentation and uniqueness to occurring only in males, we refer to it as Roko Syndrome. To our knowledge, this syndrome has not yet been reported in the literature and requires further study to understand whether it fits as a separate syndrome or falls along the spectrum of body dysmorphia. Thus, assessments used to identify body image disorders can be broadened to include items representing the behavior and presentation of Roko that we delineate in comparison of Koro. The new syndrome is also easily distinguishable from a priapism which is a urological emergency.
关键词:Basics of sexuality; human sexuality; sexual disorders; sexual dysfunctions