摘要:Unconsummation of marriage is not an uncommonproblem in sexology clinics in a country like India wherethe values of culture have a predominant role in the society,which is revealed by the flow of cases in Indian courts of law. 1Most of the times, these pose a lot of difficulty in managingthis problem. Previous sex experiences, misconceptions, faultypositions, vaginismus on the part of women, and ignorance ofeither partner or both are some of the reasons for this problem.Unless the root cause has not been identified, it is very difficultto treat this problem. The longer duration of unconsummationmakes this problem worse and difficult to resolve. 2 Meticuloushistory taking (Individual’s concern, sexual activities, sexabuse, experience before marriage, and the attitude of thepatient and the partner on the day of nuptial and thereafter).All these problems are elaborated subsequently under the subheading of ‘Approach to the Problem’.