摘要:Lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) in electric vehiclesare considered not suitable for secondary-use when only 80%of the original storage capacity remains. Applying degradedLiBs in storage applications for energy storage systems wouldprolong the life cycle of these batteries. The levelised cost ofstorage (LCOS) model is used in this study to analyze theeconomic efficiency of three different battery technologies ina storage application. In this paper, an economic analysis isexecuted for a typical power station (10 MW power and 40MWh capacity) in China. The results show that the LCOSof degraded LiBs is lower than that of new LiBs, but higherthan that of Pb-acid batteries. By adjusting parameters suchas cycles and cost per unit of electricity in the calculation ofthe LCOS, some suggestions are given to reduce the LCOS ofdegraded LiBs to the same level as that of Pb-acid batteries.This study provides a reference for the government to formulatean effective secondary-use program for degraded LiBs.
关键词:levelized cost of storage; degraded; lithium-ion batteries; secondary use; cost