摘要:Purpose: With the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected the whole world, face-to-face education has been suspended at all levels in many countries for a long time. During this period, education and training continued with various distance education activities. However, learning losses faced by the students could not be prevented. In this study, it is aimed to reveal teachers' opinions about learning losses and the measures that can be taken regarding this.Design/Methodology/Approach: In the research, a case study from qualitative research designs was used. The sample of the study was determined with the maximum diversity sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods, and 50 teachers from different branches working at various levels participated in the study. The semi-structured interview form developed by the researchers was used as a data collection tool. Content analysis method was used to analyze the data.Findings: The findings show that the teachers participating in the study stated that they experienced learning loss after the emicdemic. According to teachers' opinions, the courses with the most learning loss were Turkish, mathematics, science, physics, chemistry and English, while the courses with less learning loss were listed as social studies, biology, geography, history, music and art. Finally, teachers stated that learning losses could be compensated with various suggestions such as increasing reading activities, increasing parents' opinions, repeating the current year. This situation shows that teachers are aware of learning losses and they have various solution suggestions for them.