出版社:Association for Childhood Education International
摘要:At the time of this writing, we are closing the unprecedented year of 2020 and embarking further into the new decade. The year 2020 rendered powerful reminders of our global interconnectedness, interdependence, and indebtedness to each other. We have a deepening sense of the reality that our interconnectedness will continue with increasingly sticky entanglements as we meet the frontier of our collective challenges, opportunities, and potentiality. This collection of articles is a labor of love focused on our collective potential as a field. We affirm our field’s commitment to bringing together scholars from the Global South and North to further map the terrain for developing a linguistically and interculturally competent teaching force to facilitate global citizenship, critical dispositions, and interculturality across the globe. Our purpose in framing this special issue on preparing teachers to serve in the global landscape is to explore and examine how we should move forward in both conceptualizing the global landscape and preparing educators to serve in that landscape.