摘要:França CBS, Peres JS, Rodrigues SA, Mezêncio B, Ferreira JC. Effect of Different Mechanical Vibration Frequencies on the Performance of Countermovement Jump. JEPonline 2019;22(5):38- 46. The purpose of this study was to verify the acute effect of different vibration frequencies on countermovement jump (CMJ) performance after Whole Body Vibration (WBV) training. The sample consisted of 24 men who attended the laboratory to perform a WBV protocol, each day with a different vibration frequency (5, 15, 22, or 30 Hz). The sessions consisted of a warm-up, 3 CMJ attempts, followed by WBV training that consisted of 4 x 30 sec with a 30-sec interval between sets. The CMJ was again performed (3 attempts 1 min and 3 attempts 5 min post WBV). Analyzing the performance delta values for Δ5CMJ (height 5 min after WBV - height pre WBV), the frequency of 22 Hz presented higher delta than 30 Hz (1.11 ± 2.61 vs. -0.71 ± 2.61 cm; P=0.03). When comparing the highest performance with baseline, regardless of the vibration frequency, there was a difference for both 1 min (36.8 ± 4.69 vs. 34.92 ± 5.04 cm; P=0.01) as for 5 min (36.84 ± 5.19 vs. 34.92 ± 5.04 cm; P=0.01). Despite the better performance at 22 Hz compared to 30 Hz, analysis between the highest and baseline performance suggests that each individual may have a specific frequency to which the neuromuscular system is more responsive.
关键词:Post Activation Potentiation;Vertical Jump;Vibration Plate;Whole Body Vibration