摘要:Dinyer TK, Byrd MT, Succi PJ, Clasey JL, Bergstrom HC.Contributions of Maximal Strength and Body CompositionCharacteristics to Resistance Exercise Performance at the CriticalLoad. JEPonline 2020;23(3):25-37. The purpose of this study wasto examine the contributions of maximal strength (1-repetitionmaximum, 1RM), total body mineral-free lean mass (MFLMTotal)and thigh mineral-free lean mass (MFLMThigh) on the number ofrepetitions to failure for the deadlift performed at critical load (CL)to elucidate the characteristics that define the CL threshold.Eighteen individuals completed a DXA scan to assess MFLMTotaland MFLMThigh, 1RM testing, and repetitions to failure at 50%,60%, 70%, and 80%1RM to determine CL, and repetitions tofailure at CL. Zero-order correlations, full and stepwise multipleregression analyses were used to determine the relationships,relative contributions of, and most parsimonious predictor among1RM, MFLMTotal, and MFLMThigh and performance at CL. Thesubjects completed 52 ± 15 reps at CL (55 ± 13 kg). TheMFLMTotal had the highest correlation with the performance at CL(r = -0.534), followed by 1RM (r = -0.490) and MFLMThigh (r = -0.438). The 1RM (1.7%), MFLMTotal (29.5%), and MFLMThigh(11.9%) accounted for 43.1% of the explained variance in theperformance at CL. Only MFLMTotal contributed significantly to theprediction of repetitions completed at CL. The 1RM, MFLMTotal,and MFLMThigh accounted for less than 50% of the explainedvariance in the performance at CL, suggesting other factors suchas blood flow and muscle oxygenation may better explain thevariance in performance at CL.