摘要:Start-up companies represent a powerful engine of the innovation process. The current study aims to establish a betterunderstanding of the Start-up ecosystem in providing innovative healthcare solutions through the lens of intellectualproperty and relate it to policy gaps for supporting the Start-up ecosystem in India. This study found that about397 healthcare Start-up companies have been established after 1 January 2010. The Questel Orbit database was used toconduct a patent search for the patents filed by these Start-ups from 1 January 2010 to 1 May 2020. A total of 3527 patentswere retrieved and analyzed thoroughly to generate insights on the year-wise patent filing trend, geographical patent filingdensity, top aggressive patent filers, sector-wise filing density and a glimpse ofthe patent filing culture of healthcare Startupsin India. The result shows that major filing has been done in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology; and majorhealthcare market is the USA. Despite the Start-up culture being relatively new in India, the country’s healthcare Start-upsare among the top 10 patent filers globally. It is observed that Verily Life Sciences is the top healthcare patent filer globallyand SigTuple is the top patent filer from India.