摘要:Insect and gastropod herbivores are major plant consumers and their importance in the evolution of plant defensive traits is broadly recognized. However, their respective effects on plant responses have rarely been compared. Here we focused on plant volatile emissions (VOCs) following herbivory and compared the effects of herbivory by caterpillars of the generalist insect
Spodoptera littoralis and by generalist slugs of the genus
Arion on the VOCs emissions of 14 cultivated plant species. Results revealed that plants consistently produced higher amounts of volatiles and responded more specifically to caterpillar than to slug herbivory. Specifically, plants released on average 6.0 times more VOCs (total), 8.9 times more green leaf volatiles, 4.2 times more terpenoids, 6.0 times more aromatic hydrocarbons, and 5.7 times more other VOCs in response to 1 cm
2 of insect damage than to 1 cm
2 of slug damage. Interestingly, four of the plant species tested produced a distinct blend of volatiles following insect damage but not slug damage. These findings may result from different chemical elicitors or from physical differences in herbivory by the two herbivores. This study is an important step toward a more inclusive view of plant responses to different types of herbivores.